El día internacional contra la violencia de géneroel tratamiento en el diario decano de la prensa española (2000-2013)
ISSN: 0719-1529, 0716-3991
Year of publication: 2014
Issue Title: Violencia de Género y Comunicación
Issue: 30
Pages: 89-108
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista Comunicación y Medios
In this article we analyze the media treatment given to the news about the international day against gender-based violence in the journal El Norte de Castilla between the years 2000 to 2013. In particular, we aim to break down the approach given to the news of this anniversary, and determine whether the recommended guidelines for reporting gender-based violence news are followed, as well as to analyse whether the evolving social and legal aspects in gender issues have been adopted by the journal over time. The main sources used for this research are the journal contents with regards to the mentioned subject and a series of interviews that aim for a deeper understanding of the politic, mass media and social reality of the gender-based violence in Spain.