Eficacia del modelo de aula invertida (flipped classroom) en la enseñanza universitariauna síntesis de lasmejores evidencias
- Prieto Martín, Alfredo 1
- José Barbarroja 1
- Susana Álvarez 2
- Alfredo Corell 2
Universidad de Alcalá
Universidad de Valladolid
ISSN: 0034-8082
Year of publication: 2021
Issue Title: El modelo flipped classroom : un reto para una enseñanza centrada en el alumno
Issue: 391
Pages: 149-177
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista de educación
This manuscript explores the historic origin of the flipped classroom and synthesizes the literature on the flipped classroom effectiveness in higher education to incorporate more active learning and create an educational environment focused on the actions performed by the students. To achieve this goal literature on flipped classroom and related methodologies was reviewed focusing our attention on the impacts of this pedagogical model on student involvement and academic performance. The flipped classroom has precedents in methodologies that promote student preparation before classes. These methodologies have been applied in university teaching since the nineties: team-based learning, peer instruction and just in time teaching in which the teacher sends the information to his students outside the classroom through electronic means. By this way you have more class time to dedicate to active learning and formative assessment. The flipped classroom became popular in secondary education with the use of videos to transmit the information to learn to the students. The literature shows positive effects of the flipped classroom on multiple elements of the educational process. It increases the motivation and involvement of students in study activities outside and inside class. It improves the comprehension and retention of the subjects taught that translate into an improvement in performance and a reduction in the failure rate. It improves the exercise and the development of competences and finally increases the satisfaction of the students and teachers who put it into practice. These positive effects have been confirmed in multiple disciplines and geographic areas. The flipped classroom creates opportunities for students to interact earlier and more sustainably with instructional materials, thereby improving their readiness to apply what they have understood in class activities. The students with the highest level of completion of preparatory tasks are those who obtain higher performance in the inverted classroom.
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