A study of learning-by-doing in MOOCs through the integration of third-party external tools: Comparison of synchronous and asynchronous running modes

  1. Alario-Hoyos, C.
  2. Estévez-Ayres, I.
  3. Gallego-Romero, J.M.
  4. Kloos, C.D.
  5. Fernández-Panadero, C.
  6. Crespo-García, R.M.
  7. Almenares, F.
  8. Ibáñez, M.B.
  9. Villena-Román, J.
  10. Ruiz-Magaña, J.
  11. Blasco, J.
Journal of Universal Computer Science

ISSN: 0948-6968 0948-695X

Année de publication: 2018

Volumen: 24

Número: 8

Pages: 1015-1033

Type: Article