La dixi en la traducció dels textos contractuals (anglès-castellà)el cas dels determinants demostratius
Universidad de Valladolid
ISSN: 2013-1453
Datum der Publikation: 2020
Nummer: 73
Seiten: 21-34
Art: Artikel
Andere Publikationen in: Revista de llengua i dret
The purpose of this descriptive study is to analyse how demonstrative adjectives are handled as deictic elements in the translation of contractual texts. The starting hypothesis, which arises in part from the results demonstrated by previous studies of transgender in the translation of contracts (Monzó, 2002), is that in translations there will be interference (Toury, 1995) in the transfer of the cohesive relationships created by these particles, due, in part, to the influence of the source text on the target, also in legal translation (Ferrán Larraz, 2004). In order to support or reject the hypothesis, usage patterns will be established for demonstrative adjectives in their aspect as anaphoric markers in the gender of contracts in the source (English) and target (Spanish) cultures through analysis of a comparable corpus. Based on the findings, we will then analyse a parallel corpus of originals and their translations that will allow us to observe whether and at what level there is interference in the resulting transgender, or whether there are different reasons for the conduct of these markers. The results will make it possible to reflect on the relevance of this phenomenon in translation in the legal context of contracts
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