La ley y el derecho. Los fundamentos primarios de su separación
- Maria Laura Moreno Fernandez 1
- Antonio Augusto Bonatto Barcellós 1
Universidad de Salamanca
ISSN: 1578-4282
Year of publication: 2022
Issue: 22
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista de antropología experimental
This work proposes a legal theoretical line based on psycho-anthropology to support the conceptual separation between social law on the one hand, and right on the other. We understand that concepts have their original order of reality. It is in this sense of connection to reality that we place social law within the causal order and we place right within the formal ideal order. We also carry out this classification for the purpose that both pursue. While social law seeks to dominate human behavior, both elements are purely causal because they respond to the instinct of self-preservation. The purpose of right is not to dominate, but to order and finish forming the significant relationships that the psychic structure of the self-project, and this can only be done in an ideal/abstract order that must end up being formed in the mechanisms of imputation between concepts. purely ideal and abstract, that is, in formal terms.
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