Publications by the researcher in collaboration with ABEL CALLE MONTES (54)


  1. DNEPR: de Satán a lanzador de satélites

    Revista de teledetección: Revista de la Asociación Española de Teledetección, Núm. 32, pp. 106-117

  2. Deimos-1: el primer satélite Español de observación de la Tierra

    Mapping, Núm. 131, pp. 6-8

  3. Determination of minimum burning area on active fire detection by means of MSG-SEVIRI


  4. Forest fire evaluation and monitoring using earth observation data at global and local scale

    Proceedings, 33rd International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, ISRSE 2009

  5. Impact of point spread function of MSG-SEVIRI on active fire detection

    International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 30, Núm. 17, pp. 4567-4579


  1. Forest fires and remote sensing

    NATO Security through Science Series C: Environmental Security

  2. Fuel moisture content estimation using satellite data

    European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP

  3. Monitoring of forest fires in China through the ENVISAT-AATSR sensor

    European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP

  4. Ozone in the atmosphere monitoring ozone depth through satellite data

    Earth Observation of Global Change: The Role of Satellite Remote Sensing in Monitoring the Global Environment (Springer Netherlands), pp. 59-84