Diseño, aplicación y evaluación de un programa de intervención en control emocional y resolución de problemas matemáticos para maestros en formación inicial

  1. Caballero Carrasco, Ana
Dirixida por:
  1. Lorenzo J. Blanco Nieto Director
  2. Eloísa Julia Guerrero Barona Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 15 de xullo de 2013

  1. Tomás Ortega del Rincón Presidente
  2. Patricia Pérez Tyteca Secretario/a
  3. Clara Jiménez Gestal Vogal
  4. María del Carmen Penalva Martínez Vogal
  5. María Carmen Dolores Ramis Palmer Vogal

Tipo: Tese


Several studies support the existence of negative affect toward math and high school failure rate in math. Also, indicate the relationship between teacher´s emotional intelligence and the student´s social-emotional adjustment, relating it with the performance on mathematical problem solving. The aim of this study is that pre-service teachers learn to solve mathematics problems and to become aware of their emotions, self-regulating their learning process. For this, we designed, implemented and evaluated an Intervention Program in Emotional Control and Mathematic Problem Solving, differentiating two stages: i. Awareness and control of their own affections to mathematic problem solving, and, ii. Development of a general model of mathematic problem solving and emotional control. For the study has chosen the complementarity of qualitative and quantitative methods. Some of the results are: increased emotional control pre- service teachers, reducing anxiety and blockages that caused them problem solving initially, modification of beliefs about mathematics and problem solving, about their teaching and learning and about themselves, resulting in increased self-efficacy expectations, success and contingency likewise ensues greater perseverance and attempt attitude, in addition, there is a higher order and rigor in mathematics problems solving and greater management strategies for solving mathematics problems and search for alternatives resolutions.