La cobertura televisiva de la crisis de los refugiadosencuadres y prácticas periodísticas en los informativos españoles

Supervised by:
  1. Liisa Irene Hänninen Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 13 June 2017

  1. Julia Rodríguez Cela Chair
  2. Alicia Parras Parras Secretary
  3. Marta Saavedra Llamas Committee member
  4. Carlos Jiménez Narros Committee member
  5. Olga Kolotouchkina Shvedova Committee member

Type: Thesis


The present study focuses on the informative treatment of the Spanish TV news broadcasts related with refugees during the period between two significant events: the implementation of the Treaty between European Union and Turkey (20th March 2016) and the most important national electoral appointment in Spain, the June 26th elections of the same year. A number of persons without precedents have been forced to flee from their homes due to war conflicts and persecution in their countries of origin. The figures speak for themselves when referred to the current migrations situation; according to the International Migrations Organization (IMO), at least 485 persons died in the Mediterranean during the first two months of the present year 2017 and nearly one and a half million persons arrived to Southern Europe, risking their lives during the past two years. The emergency situation of refugees in Europe is putting on trial the current asylum and reception systems at a key moment when the European Union member states face one of the greatest challenges of our times. In this sense, last March 2016, European Union made an agreement with Turkey on the re-settlement of asylum seekers. According to allegations of several social organizations, among others UNHCR, Doctors without Borders, Save the Children and the Spanish Refugee Aid Commission (CEAR) and Amnesty International, the pact does not respond to the requirements of international law, nor does it respect the Geneva Convention of 1951 on the Status of Refugees and the supplementary protocol, undermining human rights...