Esperando a Godotescenificaciones condicionadas por sus traducciones

  1. Martel Cedrés, Tomás David
unter der Leitung von:
  1. José Gabriel López Antuñano Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 11 von September von 2018

  1. Lourdes Carriedo López Präsident/in
  2. Jara Martínez Valderas Sekretär/in
  3. Javier J. González Martínez Vocal
  4. Javier Rodríguez Pequeño Vocal
  5. Juan Miguel Zarandona Fernández Vocal

Art: Dissertation


It is very possible that exists simultaneously so many readings of a text as readers adsorbing its lines. Is very possible the existence simultaneously of so many readings of a text as readers adsorbing its lines, and, at the same time, of so many translations as translators. But in the theatrical fact this is even more complex, each translator has to confront the problems of transferring a dramatic text and its literary, linguistic and semiotic peculiarities of one culture to another, and take decisions about content, style and genre.The fidelity of a translation is fundamental for the theatre, because the significant elements of the theatrical work have to be transferred faithfully from the original to the translation,so that they can be interpreted and used by stage directors and playwrights for future performances. If the codes are not translated nor transmitted in another language, it is possible that the messages and the signs written by the original author modify in the linguistic transfer of a language to other one, causing that the future recipient of the work receives different significant elements to them conceived originally. En attendant Godot, fundamental dramatic 20th century play written..