El Arqueomagnetismo como técnica de dataciónEjemplo de estudio en Fonte do Milho (Peso da Régua, Portugal), un poblado de la Segunda Edad del Hierro e inicios del Imperio

  1. Carmona, Javier
  2. Osete, M. Luisa
  3. A. Campuzano, Saioa
  4. Pavón-Carrasco, F. Javier
  5. Larrazabal, Javier
Arqueología en el Valle del Duero: del Paleolítico a la Edad Media
  1. Martínez Caballero, Santiago (coord.)
  2. Cabañero Martín, Víctor Manuel (coord.)
  3. Merino Bellido, Carlos (coord.)

Publisher: Glyphos

ISBN: 978-84-944018-7-9

Year of publication: 2014

Pages: 175-186

Congress: Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores del Valle del Duero (4. 2014. Segovia)

Type: Conference paper


The Arqueomagnetism as a dating technique is based on two fundamentals phenomena: the Earth’s magnetic fi eld changes in time and in space, and some archaeological materials that contain ferromagnetic minerals are capable to record it. The Earth’s magnetic fi eld is defi ned by its components: declination, inclination and intensity. Those parameters experiment long period variations of internal origin named Secular Variations. These variations can be determined from remanent magnetization studies in archaeological materials (archaeomagnetism) obtaining the “Paleosecular Variation curves”. If those fi eld variations are known for a determinate region, i.e., if the master curve is available, the archaeomagnetic dating technique can be applied. Only well heated materials which are in situ can be used for dating by this technique. In this work we present a dating example of a kiln from Fonte do Milho archaeological site (Peso da Régua, Portugal); obtaining an absolute dating of 439 BC- 29 AD for the last heating.