Tradición y censura en las traducciones de literatura infantil y juvenil en la cultura franquista:los cuentos de Perrault en español hasta 1975

  1. Martens, Hanna Veerle Lut
Dirixida por:
  1. Enrique Barcia Mendo Director
  2. José Soto Vázquez Director
  3. Reine Meylaerts Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 14 de xaneiro de 2016

  1. D'hulst Lieven Denis A Presidente/a
  2. Cecilia Alvstad Secretario/a
  3. Ramón Pérez Parejo Vogal
  4. Alberto Bustos Plaza Vogal
  5. Carmen Guillén Díaz Vogal

Tipo: Tese

Teseo: 399254 DIALNET


This dissertation reports on a study of 37 editions with Spanish translations of Perrault�s �Histoires ou contes du temps passé� between 1824 (year of the first Spanish translation) and 1975 (year of Franco�s death). Our research combines a diachronic analysis and a synchronic one, and focuses specifically on ideological manipulations in the target text. With regard to the diachronic aspect, a �stemma�, a sort of family tree, has been elaborated to visualise the complicated web of influences between the different translations and to show how nearly all translators have been inspired by or have based their texts on previous translations in Spanish. We have also been able to discover certain trends and evolutions in the ideological manipulations along the period of our research. The synchronic study is based on the results of the diachronic study, and focuses on the translations of the second part of the Francoist dictatorship (1959-1975). We are particularly interested in the target culture norms for children�s literature and how these are reflected in ideological manipulations in the target text. Therefore, we have analysed, among other things, the Francoist censorship files on the translations of our corpus. A detailed analysis of the translations of �Le petit Poucet� (�Little Thumb�) focuses on the relative weight of, on the one hand, the previous translations on which the new target text is based and, on the other hand, censorship, understood as a broad concept that includes self-censorship, structural censorship and public censorship.