La música para acordeón de David del PuertoLa relación intérprete-compositor

  1. Castaño Borreguero, Ángel Luis
  1. Juan José Prat Ferrer Zuzendaria
  2. Francisco Rodilla León Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 2015(e)ko azaroa-(a)k 27

  1. Alvaro Zaldívar Gracia Presidentea
  2. Mercedes Padilla Idazkaria
  3. José Ignacio Palacios Sanz Kidea
  4. Carmen Colomo Amador Kidea
  5. Enrique Muñoz Rubio Kidea

Mota: Tesia

Teseo: 392893 DIALNET


This dissertation studies the music for accordion composed by David del Puerto (Madrid, 1964) and the relation between performer and composer in the artistic creation of new musical forms. The research is based on a theoretical framework related to different topics: The accordion (its origin, historical evolution, classical and popular repertoire and current status) and the importance of the different functions performers and composers have maintained through the History of Music in the creation of works. In this context, Mogens Ellegaard (pioneer in the relation between composer and performer in accordion music) is very representative. A comprehensive study of the considerable changes happened in the relation between performers and composers during the last decades, compared to what was the status for centuries before, is also presented in this dissertation. An important part of this work is the study of David del Puerto: (biographical information, general production, aesthetics and specific works for accordion). Through this study we can better understand its works and the relevance this composer is acquiring internationally. This thesis also contains an investigation about my own participation in the creation of new music for accordion authored by Puerto, together with a detailed analysis of the works and the context through which this creation took place. This work about the production of a Puerto as a composer and my own participation in this process culminates in the recording of all of the works here studied, and their inclusion in a double CD.