Acoustical characterization of some classrooms of the University of ExtremaduraSpain

  1. Gómez Escobar, Valentín
  2. Barrigón Morillas, Juan Miguel
  3. Méndez Sierra, Juan Antonio
  4. Vílchez Gómez, Rosendo
  5. Carmona del Río, Francisco Javier
Proceedings of the ISRA 2007 Seville

Editorial: Sevilla : Universidad de Sevilla, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura, IUCC, [2008]

ISBN: 9788469082676

Año de publicación: 2008

Título del volumen: Poster Session Communications

Volumen: 2

Tipo: Capítulo de Libro


Some acoustical parameters were studied for different classrooms of the University of Extremadura, in the campus of Cáceres (Spain). Parameters related with the reverberation time, noise background, sound level and intelligibility were studied. Intelligibility tests were also performed. The results obtained show doubts about the adequate intelligibility of these rooms. Some analysis of the relationship among the different intelligibility parameters studied and the reverberation time were carried out. Reverberation time measure was compared to some recommended values proposed by some authors.