Perceptive accuracy and positive expectations as effective attributes

  1. José Luis Alvarez Castillo
Tossal: Revista Interdepartamental de Investigación Educativa

ISSN: 1132-8134

Ano de publicación: 1993

Volume: 2-3

Número: 0

Páxinas: 81-87

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Tossal: Revista Interdepartamental de Investigación Educativa


This brief conceptual contribution establishes some bases for the implementation of a social cognitive training programme that we are carrying out in a Spanish Teacher Education Institution (University of Valladolid at Palencia). Our suggestion is that the social cognitive ability of teachers to accurately understand students and to create expectations enhancing learning represent effective attributes. Both perceptive accuracy and positive expectations are not dispositions and abilities spontaneously acquired by teachers, but they should be a part of the professional features to be taught in teacher training institutions. To gain some control on cognitive structures and processes could be the goal that allows to reach the general aim of obtaining high levels of perceptive accuracy. On the other hand, to acquire the disposition and ability to pay attention and select the students' behaviour and social context cues that further enhance learning, could be the goal responding to the attainment of positive expectations.

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