Mesolítico y Neolíticopasado, presente y futuro de las investigaciones

  1. Fernández Eraso, Javier
  2. Blas Cortina, Miguel Ángel de
  3. Delibes de Castro, Germán
  4. García Gazólaz, Jesús
  5. Iriarte Chiapusso, María José
  6. Rodanés Vicente, José María
Medio siglo de arqueología en el Cantábrico Oriental y su Entorno: actas del Congreso Internacional
  1. Llanos Ortiz de Landaluze, Armando (coord.)

Publisher: Instituto Alavés de Arqueología ; Arabako Foru Aldundia = Diputación Foral de Alava

ISBN: 978-84-7821-739-7

Year of publication: 2009

Pages: 73-114

Congress: Congreso Internacional "Medio Siglo de Arqueología en el Cantábrico Oriental y su Entorno" (1. 2007. Vitoria)

Type: Conference paper


The present paper refers to the different stages that have taken place in the knowledge of the beginning of Recent Prehistory within the geographical scope proposed in the Congress. Consequently, fi rst of all, the paper looks at the bodies and institutions on which the historical archaeological heritage has depended since the XIX century. Additionally, the most signifi cant discoveries from the period are presented; discoveries that were the driving force behind the incipient research that has lasted until today. Following this, the paper explains the work systems used today to study the materials recovered from archaeological sites, which are the key to interpreting the said locations. Finally, a summary is offered of the present state of knowledge on the Mesolithic and the Neolithic in the region.