Low Cost Real Time Location System Based in Radio Frequency Identification for the Provision of Social and Safety Services

  1. Angulo, I.
  2. Onieva, E.
  3. Perallos, A.
  4. Salaberria, I.
  5. Bahillo, A.
  6. Azpilicueta, L.
  7. Falcone, F.
  8. Astráin, J.J.
  9. Villadangos, J.
Wireless Personal Communications

ISSN: 1572-834X 0929-6212

Année de publication: 2015

Volumen: 84

Número: 4

Pages: 2797-2814

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1007/S11277-015-2767-6 GOOGLE SCHOLAR