Design and Implementation of Context Aware Applications with Wireless Sensor Network Support in Urban Train Transportation Environments

  1. Aguirre, E.
  2. Lopez-Iturri, P.
  3. Azpilicueta, L.
  4. Redondo, A.
  5. Astrain, J.J.
  6. Villadangos, J.
  7. Bahillo, A.
  8. Perallos, A.
  9. Falcone, F.
IEEE Sensors Journal

ISSN: 1530-437X

Year of publication: 2017

Volume: 17

Issue: 1

Pages: 169-178

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2016.2624739 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

Sustainable development goals