Análisis de la construcción del concepto de la derivada en un primer ciclo de enseñanza superior asistida por ordenador
- Vega Urquieta, María Angélica
- José Carrillo Yañez Doktorvater/Doktormutter
- Jorge Soto-Andrade Doktorvater/Doktormutter
Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad de Huelva
Fecha de defensa: 20 von Februar von 2012
- Josep Maria Fortuny Aymemich Präsident/in
- Nuria Climent Rodríguez Sekretär/in
- Modesto Sierra Vázquez Vocal
- Luis Carlos Contreras González Vocal
- Tomás Ortega del Rincón Vocal
Art: Dissertation
OBJECTIVES: How students build rnathematical knowledge and what level of learning is achieved by them using Dubinsky's cognitive model (APOS). RESEARCH DESIGN: Our work is an Action Research in a case study. The teaching strategy includes a theoretical analysis of the concept under study and teaching resources used, an instructional design and assessrnent using the tools of analysis. RESULTS: - The instrurnent of analysis shows at least a weak schema Intra is learnt. - The cornputer graphic facilitates learning, allows knowledge building, and encourages the transit between cognitive modes. CONCLUSIONS: - Despite the errors, all cases able to consolidate learning level. - The development of the "derivative scheme" does not entail to know many elements of the concept but to be able to coordinate them to solve problerns. - The computing environment is a tool that supports student learning.