¿De la planta libre a la sección libre?. El espacio indecible.

Supervised by:
  1. José Luis Ros Andreu Director
  2. Juan Blat Pizarro Director

Defence university: Universitat Politècnica de València

Fecha de defensa: 09 February 2016

  1. Jorge Torres Cueco Chair
  2. Andrés Cánovas Alcaraz Secretary
  3. Julio Grijalba Bengoetxea Committee member

Type: Thesis


Thesis Abstract: “Free Plant to Free Section? The Untold Space” This work aims to build a research process based on three concepts: "Le Plan Libre," "Le Coupe Libre 'and' L 'Espace indicible" through analysis-synthesis architecture projects developed habitat house the time 1914-1929 by Le Corbusier with his cousin Pierre Jeanneret and partner with which it forms study in 1922, when the latter leaves the Perret brothers, and moved in 1924 to the Architecture Workshop 35 rue Sèvres in Paris, where the Jeanneret "sea and mountain" begin pedaling together. The conceptual framework is bounded on three generating ideas or concepts supra-projective "Le Plan Libre" included in the manifesto "Les cinq points d'une architecture nouvelle" published in 1927; "Le Coupe Libre" never stated or by Le Corbusier, Pierre Jeanneret nor, like Adolf Loos never enunciated the concept of RAUMPLAN; and 'L' Espace indicible "enunciated by Le Corbusier in 1945 "Je suis l'inventeur de l'expression « l'espace indicible » qui est une réalité que j'ai découverte en cours de route. Lorsqu'une Oeuvre est à son maximum d'intensité, de proportion, de qualité d'exécution, de perfection, il se produit un phénomène d'espace indicible : les lieux se mettent à rayonner, physiquement, ils rayonnent. Ils déterminent ce que j'appelle « l'espace indicible », c'est-à-dire qui ne dépend pas des dimensions mais de la qualité de perfection : c'est du domaine de l'ineffable." The study adopts two processes of experimentation, the first supra-proyectual following the evolution of the three concepts through single family habitat projects 1914-1929 timeframe, the Domino to Savoye, from the source to the house manifesto collects "Les cinq points d'une architecture nouvelle"; and a second process linked to a case study, the Villa Baizeau, which has the peculiarity of including two different projects to the same location, program and client develop for two partis linked to our subject, the free section in the first project, and open plan, in the second, analyzing their Untold space. How the idea of free plant is built? What is an open floor plan? Does the manifesto of five points is "a priori" or "a posteriori" of works? Just as there are the concepts of free and open floor facade Does the concept of free section? What is "L'Espace indicible"? Is there any connection between "Le Plan Libre," "Le Coupe Libre 'and' L 'Espace indicible "? These are questions to answer.