European Mixed Forestsdefinition and research perspectives

  1. Bravo-Oviedo, Andres
  2. Pretzsch, Hans
  3. Ammer, Christian
  4. Andenmatten, Ernesto
  5. Barbati, Anna
  6. Barreiro, Susana
  7. Brang, Peter
  8. Bravo, Felipe
  9. Coll, Lluis
  10. Corona, Piermaria
  11. den Ouden, Jan
  12. Ducey, Mark J.
  13. Forrester, David I.
  14. Giergiczny, Marek
  15. Jacobsen, Jette B.
  16. Lesinski, Jerzy
  17. Löf, Magnus
  18. Mason, William L.
  19. Matovic, Bratislav
  20. Metslaid, Marek
  21. Morneau, François
  22. Motiejunaite, Jurga
  23. O'Reilly, Conor
  24. Pach, Maciej
  25. Ponette, Quentin
  26. del Rio, Miren
  27. Short, Ian
  28. Skovsgaard, Jens Peter
  29. Soliño, Mario
  30. Spathelf, Peter
  31. Sterba, Hubert
  32. Stojanovic, Dejan
  33. Strelcova, Katarina
  34. Svoboda, Miroslav
  35. Verheyen, Kris
  36. von Lüpke, Nikolas
  37. Zlatanov, Tzvetan
  38. Show all authors +
Forest systems

ISSN: 2171-5068

Year of publication: 2014

Volume: 23

Issue: 3

Pages: 518-533

Type: Article

DOI: 10.5424/FS/2014233-06256 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: Forest systems

Sustainable development goals


Aim of study: We aim at (i) developing a reference definition of mixed forests in order to harmonize comparative research in mixed forests and (ii) review the research perspectives in mixed forests.Area of study: The definition is developed in Europe but can be tested worldwide.Material and Methods: Review of existent definitions of mixed forests based and literature review encompassing dynamics, management and economic valuation of mixed forests.Main results: A mixed forest is defined as a forest unit, excluding linear formations, where at least two tree species coexist at any developmental stage, sharing common resources (light, water, and/or soil nutrients). The presence of each of the component species is normally quantified as a proportion of the number of stems or of basal area, although volume, biomass or canopy cover as well as proportions by occupied stand area may be used for specific objectives. A variety of structures and patterns of mixtures can occur, and the interactions between the component species and their relative proportions may change over time.The research perspectives identified are (i) species interactions and responses to hazards, (ii) the concept of maximum density in mixed forests, (iii) conversion of monocultures to mixed-species forest and (iv) economic valuation of ecosystem services provided by mixed forests.Research highlights: The definition is considered a high-level one which encompasses previous attempts to define mixed forests. Current fields of research indicate that gradient studies, experimental design approaches, and model simulations are key topics providing new research opportunities.Keywords: COST Action; EuMIXFOR; mixed-species forests; admixtures of species.

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