¿Falsificación académica o errores de interpretación?Las afirmaciones de Piketty sobre Marx
ISSN: 1696-0866, 2013-5254
Year of publication: 2017
Issue: 23
Pages: 26-42
Type: Article
More publications in: REC Revista de economía crítica
Sustainable development goals
This article subjects to critical analysis the set of statements T. Piketty attributed to K. Marx in his already famous work The capital of the XXI century, ranging from general methodological aspects, through specific issues relating to both technology of production and the sphere of distribution, to the law of the downward trend in the rate of profit. These controversies are relevant because much of the same questions are common place for those who have not read Marx, and in turn suffer from a lack of academic ethics when they prioritize disqualification over rigorous debate. Thus, this paper demonstrates Piketty´s mistakes not only from original sources, but also from reasoning with respect to the global aspects of Marx´s economic theory.
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