El consumo literario como experiencia compartida en entornos transmedia.El caso de El club de los incomprendidos
ISSN: 1989-872X
Any de publicació: 2018
Volum: 9
Número: 2
Pàgines: 231-240
Tipus: Article
Altres publicacions en: Revista Mediterránea de Comunicación: Mediterranean Journal of Communication
This article deals with teenagers’ interactions and talking about reading on a social network. 2.700 messages posted on Twitter at the time of the broadcasting of movie El club de los incomprendidos on Spanish TV were analysed. The movie is based on the youth novel Buenos días, princesa, by Blue Jeans, a best seller writer among adolescent readers. Based on the analysis of discourse, the work explores the behaviour of a community of a contemporary novel’s fans in a digital virtual environment: Interactions between fans that use a hashtag proposed by the own writer, who also is taking part by posting messages, are classified. In addition, the development of a transmedia universe that transcends the borders of the literary work is documented. Through this transmedia environment young people get information about the cultural product by means as diverse as the book itself, the film and the speech of others, even the writer’s. Our study exemplifies both the potential of social networks to extend the reading experience beyond the reading act, and the changes affecting the literary consumption: from an individual reading activity to a shared experience in transmedia environments.
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