Capital, trabajo y la ley general de la acumulación
Universidad de Valladolid
ISSN: 2255-3851
Year of publication: 2018
Issue: 9
Pages: 507-534
Type: Article
More publications in: Sociología Histórica: Revista de investigación acerca de la dimensión histórica de los fenómenos sociales
Sustainable development goals
This article addresses the process of capital accumulation exposed by Marx in Volume I of Capital. After showing the relevance of the different levels of abstraction in this book, an interpretation of Marxist theory is presented, which contributes to highlight the explanation of capital accumulation in the seventh section of the first volume. It is shown that capital as a social relation in its generality, opposed to labor, provides the basic tendencies of accumulation, including the contradictions which, in Capital III, will give rise to the law of the tendency of the rate of profit to fall, in turn the foundation for the theory of crisis. Complementarily, opposite approaches that analytically depart not from capital, and hence from the value theory, but from contingent aspects that ultimately lead to reformism, are submitted to a critic.
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