Descomposición del GAP Salarial por género en España, Francia y Alemania

  1. Dueñas Fernández, Diego
  2. Moreno Mínguez, Almudena
Investigación y Género. Reflexiones desde la investigación para avanzar en igualdad: VII Congreso Universitario Internacional Investigación y Género : Sevilla, 28 y 29 de Junio de 2018
  1. Isabel Vázquez Bermúdez (coord.)
  2. María Jesús Cala Carrillo (coord.)
  3. Ana Guil Bozal (coord.)
  4. Carmen García Gil (coord.)
  5. Rocío Martínez Torres (coord.)
  6. Consuelo Flecha García (coord.)

Publisher: SIEMUS (Seminario Interdisciplinar de Estudios de las Mujeres) ; Universidad de Sevilla

ISBN: 978-84-948975-3-5

Year of publication: 2018

Pages: 147-168

Type: Book chapter


In this article wage gap by gender is analyzed in Spanish, French and German labour markets at 2015. For this purpose, two decompositions are used: first, Oaxaca - Blinder decomposition, and second Machada - Mata decomposition, by taking into account sample selection bias in both cases. The results obtained indicate that Spain is the country with the lowest wage gap and the bigger wage discrimination, Germany is the country with the bigger wage gap and the lowest wage discrimination, and France shows an intermediate wage gap and wage discrimination between Spain´s and Germany´s values.