La consulta no presencial como herramienta de mejora de la consulta a demanda en atención primaria

  1. S.L. de la Fuente Ballesteros 1
  2. N. García Granja 1
  3. M. Hernández Carrasco 1
  4. A. Hidalgo Benito 1
  5. I. García Álvarez 1
  6. E. García Ramón 1
  1. 1 Centro de Salud Arturo Eyries, SACYL (Sanidad Castilla y León), Valladolid, España
Semergen: revista española de medicina de familia

ISSN: 1138-3593

Year of publication: 2018

Issue: 7

Pages: 458-462

Type: Article


More publications in: Semergen: revista española de medicina de familia


Objective Currently, there is a strong healthcare pressure on resources in Primary Care clinics. This significantly compromises the accessibility and the time dedicated to the patient. This paper analyses the implementation of a tele-medicine service using telephone and e-mail consultations. Materials and methods The telephone and e-mail consultations carried out during one year were reviewed retrospectively. The patient profile, the type of consultation carried out, the need for a face-to-face visit, and the receipt of attached documentation were analysed. Results A total of 884 distance consultations were received in a 12 month period. The distance consultation accounted for 13.56% of consultations on demand. The mean age of the patient was 54 (SD: 17) years old. The large majority (87.7%) of the consultations were made by the patients and the rest by relatives or caregivers. The time spent per patient in the face-to-face consultation was 10.24 minutes and the waiting list was less than 48 hours on 97% of the days of the year. The patient had to go in person on 24 (2.71%) occasions. Conclusions Distance consultation is a useful resource for improving accessibility, as well as leading to more physical consultation time. It has also demonstrated that it is capable of solving problems of different kinds and in different age groups.

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