Melanoma de coroidesclínica

  1. Ciro García Álvarez
Annals d'oftalmologia: òrgan de les Societats d'Oftalmologia de Catalunya, Valencia i Balears

ISSN: 1133-7737

Argitalpen urtea: 2018

Alea: 26

Zenbakia: 3

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Annals d'oftalmologia: òrgan de les Societats d'Oftalmologia de Catalunya, Valencia i Balears


The diagnosis of uveal melanoma is eminently clinical. It is one of the few neoplasms whose treatment is accepted without the certainty of a previous biopsy. In many cases the combination of ophthalmological examination with ultrasound scan will be enough to obtain a diagnosis. In other cases, these tumors may appear less evident, simulating other diseases; in these cases, the use of complementary tests will be fundamental for a correct diferential diagnosis. Among the complementary tests that can be used, it should be noted, in recent years, the development of new devices based on optical coherence tomography, which with their ability to explore the choroid are opening a new range of diagnostic possibilities. Today, choroidal melanoma remains a poor prognosis tumor. The understanding of the pathogenesis of metastasic dissemination continues to present many shadows, and an efective treatment has not been found once the dissemination occurs. The study of the genetic alterations associated with the development of these melanomas allows today to establish a diagnostic profile, and opens the door to the development of new therapies.