Auto-eficacia docente en Educación Secundaria Obligatoriaperspectivas de alumnos, profesores y futuros profesores_

  1. Reoyo Serrano, Natalia
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Miguel Ángel Carbonero Martín Doktorvater

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad de Valladolid

Fecha de defensa: 06 von September von 2013

  1. José María Román Sánchez Präsident
  2. María Inés Monjas Casares Sekretärin
  3. María Elisa Rolo Chaleta Vocal
  4. Leandro Silva Almeida Vocal
  5. José Carlos Núñez Pérez Vocal
  1. Psicología

Art: Dissertation


Taken as the starting point the relevance of self-efficacy as one of the most influential motivational variables in behaviour and, specifically in our case, within the education field when conducting guidelines for actions on quality teaching for Secondary Education (ESO, for its abbreviation in Spanish), the following thesis focuses its research on the necessity of clarifying the specific domain of teacher¿s self-efficacy. To achieve the abovementioned aim, an exam of the perceptions of students, teachers and future ESO teachers has been carried out focusing on which are the characteristics that from the perspective of the sample a effective teacher at the ESO level may have, obtaining from the exam the following main two objectives: to indentify categories of ESO teachers¿ efficacy and, figure out how they are organized and interrelated with each group of participants. A total sample of 1,385 individuals was specifically selected, 1,000 corresponded to students of 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade, 200 to teachers in service and 158 to future teachers all of them of the same stage of education, ESO and, belonging to both State Schools and State-subsidised schools of the Spanish Autonomous Community of Castilla y León. Conducting a mixed method sequential analysis of the 6790 data initially collected from the perceptions of the sample selected, led to the identification of the following eight categories of teacher¿s efficacy: Domain knowledge, Planning and organization, Management and progress of lectures, Educational innovation, Transmission of knowledge, Interpersonal relationship, Personal ethic and Professional commitment. Both students, teachers in service and future teachers samples agree to detail the abovementioned eight categories such as the key categories for an effective teacher, being the importance they linked to each of them where the major discrepancies arose. Being validated, for instance, how the sample of students gives much more importance to the Transmission of knowledge or the sample of teachers in service emphasizes more the relevance of the active Planning and organization unlike the other two samples. Results provide a current view, from the perspective of the own agents involved in ESO, which may be useful for the development of training tools and self-reflection, to help improving perceptions of teacher¿s self-efficacy and their own skills.