El teatro como recurso educativo para la inclusión

Dirigée par:
  1. Juan Carlos Manrique Arribas Directeur
  2. Ruth Pinedo González Co-directrice

Université de défendre: Universidad de Valladolid

Fecha de defensa: 14 octobre 2016

  1. José María Marbán Prieto President
  2. Ana Isabel Maroto Sáez Secrétaire
  3. Marisa Santos-Pastor Rapporteur
  4. Carlos Gutiérrez García Rapporteur
  5. María Rosario Romero Martín Rapporteur
  1. Didáctica de la Expresión Musical, Plástica y Corporal

Type: Thèses


ABSTRACT The objective of this research was to show the functionality of theater in education, especially aimed at reducing peer rejection and increasing self-esteem. The theatrical improvisation like an active methodology (Navarro, 2006; García-Huidobro, 2004), it has been observed that allows: students to be decontextualize the immobility of the desk, to work from unreality and create new social ties. The study was carried out a sample of 137 pupil of Segovia (52.5% girls y 47.4% boys) last courses of the First Education and with a average age of 10,41. The design was quasi-experimental with no equivalent control group, with evaluation before and next training. The instruments of evaluation were five: three of sociometric type (sociometric assessment, nominations questionnaire and “guess who is”) used by different authors, including García-Bacete, Sureda y Monjas (2010), a self-esteem scale (Ariza, 1997) and a inquiry about the fairy tales ad hoc processing. The training of quasi-experimental group students consisted of improvisation representation of fairy tales scene selected between 12 that are brought and with a perspective of cooperation. The results showed that the rejected pupil of quasi-experimental group decreased their repulse, and also the negatives’ attributes received by their peers. The pupil´s self-esteem trained increased but not significantly. The components of theatrical improvisation which according to the literature reviewed are involved in the results they have been: to strengthen in a positive way cooperation behaviors by researcher, the acceptance of contribution the same, the change of roles, the near physical in new stage watch power modify the expectatives and prejudices, and also the fantasy created for the unreality of the simulations. Key Words: peer rejection, theatrical improvisation, social status, cooperation, role change.