Reducción del consumo energético y emisiones de anhídrido carbónico en edificios combinando enfriamiento evaporativo, enfriamiento gratuito y recuperación de energía en sistemas todo aire

  1. Tejero González, Ana
Dirigée par:
  1. Eloy Velasco Gómez Directeur
  2. Francisco Javier Rey Martínez Co-directeur

Université de défendre: Universidad de Valladolid

Fecha de defensa: 25 mai 2012

  1. José María Sala Lizarraga President
  2. Julio Francisco San José Alonso Secrétaire
  3. José Joaquim da Costa Rapporteur
  4. Pedro Acisclo Rodríguez Aumente Rapporteur
  5. Antonio Lecuona Neumann Rapporteur
  1. Ingeniería Energética y Fluidomecánica

Type: Thèses


The present PhD work focuses on the experimental characterization of various air-conditioning systems, as well as on the design and manufacturing of many of them, all aimed at reducing the energy demand required for air-conditioning buildings during summer period, in order to determine their behaviour in different operational conditions expected. The study on these low-energy consumption devices is justified in base of the possibility of preconditioning ventilation airstreams supplied inside spaces to accomplish with the requirements established for Indoor Air Quality IAQ, within the current global framework of environmental awareness and avoiding extinction of energy sources; without forgetting maintaining the levels of Indoor Climate and Air Quality (ICQ, IAQ) expected indoors. For this reason, concepts concerning ICQ and IAQ are introduced, with the aim of clearly defining the final objectives of the system¿s installation. Systems studied are in the most part prototypes designed and manufactured at the Thermal Engineering Laboratory of the University of Valladolid. However, the two direct evaporative coolers are commercial systems. For the characterization, an experimental facility is constructed and acquired to enable regulation and control of the test factors considered of interest with respect to the results derived from a Design of Experiments; and results are used for the determination of some parameters that permit defining the system¿s beaviour. To check the relevance on the behaviour of the factors considered, an analysis of variance ANOVA has been developed afterwards. Finally, a global analysis of the results is proposed to study the applicability of the systems for a particular case study of a simple indoor space, defined by the Spanish norm as a reference for the validation of alternative methods of cooling demand calculus. This space is supposed to be thermally conditioned or naturally ventilated, depending on the possibilities of application of each system. From the results obtained through the individual characterizations, as well as from their application in the case study, some conclusions and future work are derived as important issues to set the scientific relevance of the study.