Huellas de la ciudadun proyecto de innovación investigadora en la didáctica de la Educomunicación

  1. García Matilla, Agustín
  2. Navarro Martínez, Eva
La comunicación pública, secuestrada por el mercado
  1. Mateos Martín, Concha (coord.)
  2. Ardèvol Abreu, Alberto Isaac (coord.)
  3. Toledano Buendía, Samuel (coord.)

Publisher: Sociedad Latina de Comunicación Social

ISBN: 978-84-939337-5-3

Year of publication: 2011

Pages: 132

Congress: Congreso Internacional Latina de Comunicación Social (3. 2011. La Laguna)

Type: Conference paper


In this communication the authors will present a research and innovation teaching project called City Traces. Lectures of the Urban Space. This proposal has been led by The Audiovisual Communication and Publicity Area of the University of Valladolid in the City of Segovia, with the collaboration of The Museum Of Contemporary Art Esteban Vicente in Segovia. The subjects involved in this project are Theory of the Culture and Communication, and Education and Society in the Digital Context. This experience proposes new experimental ways within the educommunication (media Literacy) and cultural education through art research. The main goal of this discipline is to explore the possibilities of artistic creation as a means of investigation and to build up a more complete vision about these creative processes. This subject is becoming a solid discipline in Europe. The project consists of several workshops and one seminar. The artists and partipant teachers are invited to speak about their own creative processes. To complete this experience, the students will produce a creative work that will be assessed as a practice of the involved subjects. This project main goals are: - To help students think about the role as individuals in the city through the artistic creation. - To practice the theoretical ideas learned in this course. - To make students aware of their own creative and learning processes. - To apply and practice this knowledge in real situations.