Nuevas estrategias retóricas en la sociedad de la neopublicidad

  1. Bermejo Berros, Jesús

ISSN: 1697-8293

Year of publication: 2013

Volume: 11

Issue: 1

Pages: 99-124

Type: Article

DOI: 10.7195/RI14.V11I1.528 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: Icono14


This paper presents a new kind of rhetorical strategy used by advertising at present that is leading to different advertising manifestations, including the emergence of a new type of advertising, which we called neo-advertising. This new strategy, that modifies rhetorical procedures followed so far by the twentieth-century classic advertising, is characterized by masking. This strategy uses procedures as erasing gender markers, hybridization and informational fusion. This procedure has implications for how the receiver responds to the persuasive process. We show here some manifestations of this phenomenon and purposes of advertising transformation into one of the most classic advertising formats, print advertising, where we have identified three neo-advertising modalities: embedded ads, neoadvertorials and selfreferent ads. These new strategies are different from those promoted in the society of post-advertising, favored by these new forms of communication resulting from new information technologies and communication. However both converge on a common social framework where rhetoric advertising is evolving towards new forms of persuasion.

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