La construcción de indicadores válidos en la investigación en comunicación

  1. Frutos Torres, Belinda de
Investigar la Comunicación hoy. Revisión de políticas científicas y aportaciones metodológicas: Simposio Internacional sobre Política Científica en Comunicación
  1. Vicente Mariño, Miguel (coord.)
  2. González Hortigüela, Tecla (coord.)
  3. Pacheco Rueda, Marta (coord.)

Verlag: Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Juridicas y de la Comunicación ; Universidad de Valladolid

ISBN: 978-84-616-4124-6

Datum der Publikation: 2013

Titel des Bandes: Comunicaciones 2

Ausgabe: 2

Seiten: 429-444

Kongress: Simposio Internacional sobre Política Científica en Comunicación (1. 2013. null)

Art: Konferenz-Beitrag


The measurement process in quantitative research applied to social sciences is a key issue in methodology which not always devotes due attention. In communication research often we tend to trust on scales previously created to measure attitudes, to trust at user´s performance indicators or measure the effects of the messages without analyzing the measurement process. It´s quite frequent choose an indicator without questioning if it does represent the variable, concept or construct under study. This paper discusses the need to ensure the construct validity on the use of indicators applied social sciences, particularly in the field of communication. Taking the COARSE theory, proposed by Rossiter (2011), which criticizes the traditional psychometric model, we analyses the keys on the measurement process and we propose an interrater evaluation process with independent judges that would ensure the construct validity of the indicators. It also discusses the importance of ensuring the validity of the response scale to fit as best as possible the type of user response.