Deterministic Crowding in genetic algorithm to solve a real-scheduling problempart 1: Theory

  1. Pérez Vázquez, Mª Elena
  2. Gento Municio, Ángel Manuel
Cruzando fronteras : tendencias de contabilidad directiva para el siglo XXI: actas VII Congreso Internacional de Costos y II Congreso de la Asociación Española de Contabilidad Directiva.

Éditorial: Servicio de Publicaciones ; Universidad de León

ISBN: 84-7719-952-3

Année de publication: 2001

Pages: 334

Congreso: Instituto Internacional de Costos. Congreso (7. 2001. León)

Type: Communication dans un congrès


The aim of this paper is to solve a real scheduling problem of a manufacturing process when we have several objectives and numerous constraints. The factory is dedicated to the manufacturing of pre-stressed concrete sleepers for siding of the new railways. The first objective is the common in all scheduling problems: to maximize the use of the manufacturing line to satisfy the large current demand. The second is due to the characteristics of this real problem: to minimize the change of the moulds. The traditional resolution methods are ineffective due to the large problem complexity. Because of this we will use a powerful and flexible tool to obtain the best solution (the optimal one or close to it): deterministic crowding genetic algorithms.