Ni blanco, ni en botellael patrimonio ya no es solo un constructo físico

  1. Birlanga Trigueros, José Gaspar
  2. Gómez Redondo, Carmen
Paisaje cultural urbano e identidad territorial: 2° Coloquio Red Internacional de pensamiento crítico sobre globalización y patrimonio construido, Florencia 2012
  1. Niglio, Olimpia (ed. lit.)

Editorial: Aracne

ISBN: 978-88-548-4841-2

Any de publicació: 2012

Volum: 1

Pàgines: 149-158

Tipus: Capítol de llibre


Different changes and transformations that postmodernism has been produced, have been reflected and interpreted by the artistic world, from deep thoughts and criticism, and this is also manifested in artistic practice. This shows, firstly, a special significance of contemporary art, aware and critical of their own time that is set as his own judge, but also a break with the historical point of view, and finally a position against the heritage issue for tomorrow from today. In particular, we will focus on suggesting other/new ways of approaching contemporary art treated as heritage, and therefore, from the field of heritage intervention, seeking to create other/new identity dynamics around it. In that search for new forms of aesthetic experience about heritage, specifically contemporary ones linke to the contemporary identity, where Fot-it is proposed. A project to build interpersonal networks around the heritage and collective narratives building, to give light on the new processes and elements involved in aesthetic experiences and heritage.