¿Tiene el profesorado de primaria y secundaria formación suficiente en estrategias de aprendizaje?

  1. Javaloyes Sáez, María José
  2. Marugán de Miguelsanz, Montserrat
  3. Nocito Muñoz, Guiomar
  4. Galán de la Calle, M.
Psicología y educación: presente y futuro
  1. Castejón Costa, Juan Luis (coord.)

Argitaletxea: [Madrid] : Asociación Científica de Psicología y Educación (ACIPE), 2016

ISBN: 978-84-608-8714-0

Argitalpen urtea: 2016

Orrialdeak: 1040-1046

Biltzarra: Congreso Internacional de Psicología y Educación (8. 2016. Alicante)

Mota: Biltzar ekarpena


This research was intended to meet the training received by Spanish primary and high school teachers in learning strategies, how this training has been received and if considered sufficient to develop their teaching. Also we wanted to know the importance the teachers give about the use of strategies by students. We used the survey technique for gathering data, obtained from a very large sample, over five hundred teachers of primary and secondary school. For analysis we used descriptive statistics. The results show differences in the initial training of primary and secondary teachers. As for continuing education, many participants have received courses on this subject in the workplace itself, 35% was self-taught and 12% of respondents have no training whatsoever. Most professionals surveyed felt that the use of learning strategies by students was essential to get a good academic performance.90% of participants considered the training received insufficient for the development of their teaching.