Arte, lengua y religiónla obra de Albert Carpentier, OP, como exponente de interculturalidad

  1. Cristina Adrada Rafael
Arte, religión y traducción
  1. Antonio Bueno García (ed. lit.)

Editorial: Comares

ISBN: 9788490456842

Ano de publicación: 2018

Páxinas: 51-72

Tipo: Capítulo de libro


The Order of Saint Dominic, following the steps of their founder, has been developing through the centuries a policy of expansion and evangelization beyond our country borders. This contact between cultures and civilizations has resulted in numerous examples of cultural miscegenation. Among them, we want to point out in the contemporary era the figure and work of father Albert Carpentier, in his two sides: the personal one, as an evangelizing friar, which took him from Belgium to Japan; and the artistic side, as a communicator of the religious message through the pictorial language.