La Enseñanza de Ingenierías a través del Autoaprendizaje Colaborativo y las Nuevas Tecnologías

  1. Pedro Sanz
  2. Juan José de Benito
TICAI 2009: TIC's para a aprendizagem da engenharia
  1. Carlos V
  2. Ricardo Silveira
  3. Manuel Caeiro

Éditorial: IEEE Sociedad de Educación

ISBN: 978-972-8688-70-7

Année de publication: 2009

Pages: 125-130

Type: Chapitre d'ouvrage


From its origins, the educational work has been deeply influenced by a universal purpose: prepare students for the future. In the university scope, this objective requires to ensure that the education of our students complies, at all times, with the labor market needs. In this sense, the companies of the new millennium are demanding graduates who know the peculiar paradigms of their profession and, moreover, have a set of skills that fits the necessities of enterprises. Therefore, we must always work bearing in mind the pairing "knowledge-skills" to ensure that our students acquire the knowledge of their profession while cultivating the skills that will be demanded to them later in their working life. In this vein, we present our experience in the teaching of some subjects from two engineering degrees, through the employment of an own collaborative learning methodology which is supported by the use of some Internet-based tools.