Cómo lograr más éxito en el aprendizajela evaluación formativa y los proyectos de aprendizaje tutorado. Experiencia acumulada en la Formación Inicial del Profesorado

  1. López Pastor, Victor Manuel 1
  2. Manrique Arribas, Juan Carlos 1
  3. Gea Fernández, Juan Manuel 1
  1. 1 E.U. Magistério de Segovia. Universidad de Valladolid
Experiencias innovadoras en el aprendizaje a través de la evaluación. EVALtrends 2011: EVALtrends 2011 Evaluar para aprender en la Universidad

Verlag: Bubok Publishing

ISBN: 978-84-15490-04-3

Datum der Publikation: 2011

Seiten: 243-253

Art: Buch-Kapitel


This paper is aimed at presenting the results obtained from an experiment on using Project-Oriented Learning (POL) combined with formative assessment systems in Pre-service Teacher Education (PTE) as a way to achieve greater success in the students’ learning. We also analyse the POL potential as authentic assessment procedures helping to generate learning processes for some professional competences. In order to develop the POL, we follow a four-stage process: 1-Designing a list with potential POLs to be carried out in every course; 2-Explaining how the POL is to be carried out, their choices and deadlines to the students; 3-Monitoring the POL through successive compulsory group tutorial sessions; 4-Implementing the POL, presenting it to the group and preparing a final report on the results obtained. This experiment has used a sample of 360 second and third-year undergraduates studying a Degree in Teaching. The techniques and tools for collecting these data have been: the teacher’s notebook, group interviews in tutorial sessions, drafts’ reviews, systematic observation while developing the POLs, final reports on POLs carried out and group self-assessment sheets. The results identify the main pros and cons encountered following their implementation. Such outcomes show that the right combination of POL and formative assessment systems within the PTE ensures achieving high levels of learning and success for the students, as well as the development of authentic learning processes. With these processes the students are more likely to successfully operate in their educational practice, and achieve a better development of some of their professional competences. This is also often one of the most commonly motivating learning activities for all the students due to its close connection to the professional reality.