Effects of involving lead-users and close-customers in new service development.

  1. Pilar Carbonell Foulquié
  2. Ana Isabel Rodríguez Escudero
  3. Ashish Pujari
XXI Congreso Nacional de Marketing [Recurso electrónico]: Universidad del País Vasco-Euskal Herriko Unibersitatea, 16-18 de septiembre de 2009.

Editorial: Escuela Superior de Gestión Comercial y Marketing, ESIC

ISBN: 978-84-7356-627-8

Ano de publicación: 2009

Páxinas: 48

Congreso: Congreso Nacional de Marketing (21. 2009. Bilbao)

Tipo: Achega congreso


Customer involvement in service innovation is defined as those processes, deeds and interactions where a service provider collaborates with current (or potential) customers at the project level to develop new services. The present study combines research on lead-user, creativity, organizational learning, and social network to explore the effects of involving two types of customers —lead-users and closecustomers— on four dimensions of new service performance. The frame consisted of 807 service firms with 75 or more employees in various industries. Of the original surveys mailed, a total of 102 completed questionnaires were received. Path analysis will used to test the model proposed.