La fábrica de Monzón de Campos (1786-1805)la primera harinera de España

  1. Moreno Lázaro, Javier
Investigaciones históricas: Época moderna y contemporánea

ISSN: 0210-9425

Datum der Publikation: 1991

Nummer: 11

Seiten: 109-130

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Investigaciones históricas: Época moderna y contemporánea


The first flour milling factory in the country was set up in 1786 in Monzón de Campos (Palencia), in the surroundings of the Castile Waterway, by the merchant and leather manufacturer from Valladolid, Francisco Durango. In this essay, we analyze this pioneer factory works and, specially, the commercial activities carried out by its owners In this sense, the company created by Durango and his son developed in Santander a fevered mercantil life based on the shipping of flour to the Caribean Colonies which led them to become in one of the most important wholes salers of colonial goods in this town and to established a lucrative exchange network with other European ports. The factory closed down by 1803 as result of the fall of the flour shippings to America in the last years of the century and the crack of the company.