El ocaso de la cultura del caño libreprotesta vecinal en Segovia en los albores del directorio civil (1925-1926)

  1. Calvo Caballero, Pilar
Investigaciones históricas: Época moderna y contemporánea

ISSN: 0210-9425

Ano de publicación: 1994

Número: 14

Páxinas: 221-236

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Investigaciones históricas: Época moderna y contemporánea


The collective effort as a protest. A big number of tenants and owners in Segovia carne together on defying the new water distribution project which was planned by the municipal government at the end of 1925. The opposition was gradually breeding a leading figure guided by owners. Resources were mobilized and supporters were recruited, and the success in the los s of legitimacy of the municipal government opened up a clear political opportunity. Besides, the development of the protest changed the obstruction to the project in a positive framework: a collective identity. The shared "caño libre culture" embodies the local resistance to the transfer of rights and money to the town council at dawn of the Civil Directorate.