La OIT, universo mental y encrucijada de hechosLas actitudes de patronos y obreros socialistas en los primeros años de su funcionamiento

  1. Calvo Caballero, Pilar
Studia historica. Historia contemporánea

ISSN: 0213-2087

Year of publication: 1998

Issue Title: La historia transnacional

Issue: 16

Pages: 167-184

Type: Article

More publications in: Studia historica. Historia contemporánea


As opposed to the drama of the Great War, the spirit of Versailles offered a new framework presided over by universal peace and harmony, one that demanded improvements in working conditions. It provided no new ideas, but rather responded to pressure from the workers and the humanitarian demands of altruistic associations, with the approval of the Governments. The presidency of Albert Thomas (1919-1932) represents more than a starting point. While under his direction, the future of the Geneva Office was placed in jeopardy, but he played his cards right. A. Thomas was able to play off against each other the attitudes of the bosses, workers and governments, a veritable mosaic of interests, mentalities and cultures and impose his point of view, whích would continué in successive presidencies as regards behaviour, strategies and objectives.