La producción de azúcar en Castilla y Leónbalance de un siglo

  1. Baraja Rodríguez, Eugenio
Polígonos: Revista de geografía

ISSN: 1132-1202

Year of publication: 1998

Issue Title: Desarrollo local

Issue: 8

Pages: 213-238

Type: Article

More publications in: Polígonos: Revista de geografía


In the last sugar beet campains, pioneering factories in the production of sugar in Castilla y Leon have been closed; a fact that, added to the gradual downturn of the sowing, has questioned the future of the crop in the region. In the present article we try to prove that, on the contrary, this process is no more than the last step in the restructure of one of the most solvent fields of the agricultural and food industryin the Duero area and that precisely at this moment, after a century of development, is laying the foundations for its survival in a more open and competitive context.

Bibliographic References

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  • CAMILLERI LAPEYRE, A (1976): XXXIII años de política azucarera en España (1940-1973), Madrid, C.E.CCAA., 590 p.
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  • MARRÓN GAITE, M.J. (1992): La adopción y expansión de la remolacha azucarera en España (de los orígenes al momento actual), Madrid, MAPA, 186 p.
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