Flavus, Flavinus y Flavianus en las fuentes epigráficas de Hispania romana

  1. Gallego Franco, Henar
Hispania antiqua

ISSN: 1130-0515

Ano de publicación: 2002

Número: 26

Páxinas: 157-198

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Hispania antiqua


The latin cognomina Flauus, Flauinus and Flauianus have usually been considered by epigraphical experts as especially linked to the Northwest of Roman Spain, and in general to the spanish area of indoeuropean substratum, and they al so associate their spreading to the romanizating policy of the Flavian imperial dinasty. In this paper, based on a detailed researching through the epigraphical sources, we develop an onomastic and social study of those bearers of these cognomina in Roman Spain, a contribution to determine the meaning of these personal names in the provincial romanization process.