La imagen de las indias en el teatro breve del Siglo de Oro

  1. Urzáiz Tortajada, Héctor
Teatro: revista de estudios teatrales
  1. Brioso Santos, Héctor (coord.)

ISSN: 1132-2233

Year of publication: 2001

Issue Title: América en el teatro español del Siglo de Oro

Issue: 15

Pages: 199-225

Type: Article

More publications in: Teatro: revista de estudios teatrales


The purpose of this article is to provide further evidence of New World influences in the short dramatic works of the Spanish Golden Age, where topics dealing with the Discovery of America are dealt in a comical and satirical fashion. The article begins with the analysis of Luis Velez de Guevara's works: from his entremeses to his comedy Las palabras a los reyes, where there is a sort of interspersed entremés. Other short works (loas, bailes and mojigangas) with a high degree of New World topics by writers such as Suarez de Deza, Avellaneda and Matos Fragoso are later analyzed. Finally, special attention is given to Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, whose loas and saínetes show how a Mexican nun analyzes Native American topics, but from the perspective of a writer who had adopted all the Spanish Baroque features.