Del sonido al significadoanálisis del primer párrafo de la segunda parte de "Finnegans Wake"

  1. Sanz Gil, Juan
  2. Garcés García, María del Pilar
ES: Revista de filología inglesa

ISSN: 0210-9689

Year of publication: 1993

Issue: 17

Pages: 119-126

Type: Article

More publications in: ES: Revista de filología inglesa


Finnegans Wake is undoubtedly the most controversial of Joyce's works. A masterpiece for some, for others it is simply unintelligible nonsense. When confronted with it, we followed the author's advice: if you are baffled by a passage, all you need do is read it aloud. Immediately, the manifold possible readings of unorthodox spellings gave rise to as many possible interpretations and we were allowed to gain an insight into the intricate world of allusions that conforms Joyce's vision of history and mankind as protrayed in Finnegans Wake. This study is, therefore, the product of an illuminating voyage from sound to meaning as the means to a better understanding of the method and intention of the author.