Consecuencias del decreto de conversión al cristianismo de 1502 en la aljama mora de Valladolid

  1. Moratinos García, Manuel
  2. Villanueva Zubizarreta, Olatz
Sharq Al-Andalus: Estudios mudéjares y moriscos

ISSN: 0213-3482

Year of publication: 1999

Issue Title: Homenaje a Leonard P. Harvey

Issue: 16-17

Pages: 121-144

Type: Article

More publications in: Sharq Al-Andalus: Estudios mudéjares y moriscos


Since 1412 the Moorish quarter of Valladolid was situated in a site leased in perpetuity by Santa María’s Chapter. In 1502, as a result of a Conversion Act to Christianity, the ground owner came to the conclusion that the loss of the Moslem condition by the tenants repeals that contract. This interpretation caused a dispute between both parties which will be taken to the Chancilleria Audience Chamber. The revealing information gathered in the summary offers unpublished facts about the members of the Moorish community, as well as about the characteristics of the quarter in which they lived.

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