Los depósitos metálicos burgaleses y la metalurgia del Bronce Final en la Cuenca del Dueroalgunas reflexiones

  1. Julio Fernández Manzano
  2. José Ignacio Herrán Martínez
  3. Salvador Rovira Lloréns
BSAA Arqueología

ISSN: 1888-976X

Year of publication: 2005

Issue: 71

Pages: 137-160

Type: Article

More publications in: BSAA Arqueología


The Late Bronze Age in the Northern Spanish Plateau is represented, on the one hand by archaeological sites Cogotas, and, on the other hand, by the presence of bronze hoards which are systematically located whithout any kind of archaeological context. In this paper, we examine the probability that great part of these bronzes were moulded by people of Cogotas I. Our opinion is that some of these bronzes were melted down in a more developed cultural horizon -Soto de Medinilla- at the beginning of the Iron Age.