Influencia del microsite en la imagen de marca a través de experiencias significativas

  1. Frutos Torres, Belinda de
  2. Sánchez Valle, María
  3. Pretel Jiménez, Marilé

ISSN: 1697-8293

Datum der Publikation: 2010

Titel der Ausgabe: Nuevos tiempos para la comunicación empresarial e institucional

Ausgabe: 8

Nummer: 2

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Icono14


Nowadays companies and Institutions are conscious of the communication potential of the Internet as a tool to create an active relationship with their publics. To reach this purpose they design communication strategies aim to enhance a interactive relationship with the brand. The microsites represent a facility to be on the Internet that also represents a way to increase the user-brand relationship. This study evaluates the microsite and its influence as corporative communication tool and the impact into the brand image building. We conducted an empirical study taking three communication actions belonging to a well known brands and each one represents a different communications strategy. The three actions were launched through microsites that were visited and evaluated for a sample of 41 people. The results show that microsites evaluation can be explained by three dimensions: entertainment, agreeable and information degree value. It has been proved that experienced generated by the microsite visit is different depending on communication strategy and contri-butes in a different way to the brand image attitude.

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