Algunos ejemplos de la negociación del tiempo de trabajo en los convenios colectivos de Castilla y León

  1. Dueñas Herrero, Laurentino Javier
Revista universitaria de ciencias del trabajo

ISSN: 1576-2904

Year of publication: 2010

Issue Title: La igualdad en la construcción del modelo laboral

Issue: 11

Pages: 245-270

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista universitaria de ciencias del trabajo


The social partners agree to the duration of the labor day in the sectorial collective agreements and those of company. With general character, in the phase of negotiation they are taken like matters to discuss, mainly: the irregular distribution of the working year, the rests, the overtime and the vacations. This essay gathers and analyzes the clauses relative to the working time in some collective agreements that are been effective during the past few years in the territorial scope of Castilla and Leon.